Senator Wil Schroder picks up support in Casey

Senator Wil Schroder arrived at The Village Monday morning to the smiles and handshakes of GOP primary voters, many of them undecided.
Wil greeted other patrons with a handshake and card as he made his way around the rooms. Certainly the crowd was Conservative.
Bro. Ricky Rodgers, an undecided, attended the meet and greet and quizzed Senator Schroder on Issues such as abortion and religious freedom. Schroder answered the questions to sounds of “Amen” and “that’s right brother”.
Rachel Murphy liked what she heard. “He has the background and the passion to be a strong Attorney General. His opponent has no experience and will be weak against that Stumbo.”
Jeff Buis, who served in the House and as GOP Chairman for nearly two decades praised Schroder. “Wil has a record on which to run. It’s a record of ProLife. It’s one of NRA endorsed Second Amendment stands. It’s a record of fiscal conservatism. I’m solidly backing Schroder and endorse his candidacy for Attorney General.”
As the meeting wrapped up, it was clear that Schroder had moved the undecideds as Pastor Rodgers stood and made an announcement. He and his family would support and vote for Schroder.
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