Oct 4, 2018

A Search for the Genuine Article


With much of our attention focused solely on the goings on in Washington with the nomination, confirmation, accusations and the such, many of us in the region of the Kentucky Supreme Court Third District have come to a keen realization that the Court is more important today than at any time in recent memory.   The 3rd District has what's become a usual sight in Kentucky politics. 

On the one hand, there's the professional politician.  A perennial candidate, seeking to remain on the taxpayers' payroll.  On the right, a dedicated public servant who knows firsthand the true meaning of honor, service, and duty to one's country.

Judge Dan Ballou has a distinguished military career, having begun by enlisting at the age of 18 in the United States Marine Corps.  Judge Ballou served his country in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  Judge Ballou later retired from the Marine Corps Reserves as a Major.  

He graduated from the University of Kentucky and later received his law degree from the University of Mississippi.  Dan served as a law clerk for Judge Eugene Siler, Jr.  Judge Ballou practiced law in Williamsburg and was subsequently elected District Judge and currently serves as Circuit Judge for McCreary and Whitley counties.

I had the distinct pleasure to spend some time with Judge Ballou.  We broke bread together, prayed together and fellowshipped.  Dan Ballou has a servant's heart and a pure desire to serve his fellow Kentuckians.  I know Dan to be a devout follower of Jesus Christ.  I believe him to be a loving husband, dad, and faithful Christian.

"Blessed are the pure in heart;  for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8  This verse comes to mind when thinking of a way to describe Dan Ballou.  His love of God and his witness are clearly visible.

The qualities I've seen in Judge Ballou are real.  His desire to serve is sincere.  

Dan Ballou is the The Genuine Article.

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