Dear Jeffrey,
I am so proud of my husband for stepping up and running to be the next Governor of Kentucky. We knew it wouldn’t be easy. But, the most difficult part, for me, is seeing all the lies and character assassination from the Conway campaign - the same lies that were already debunked by PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, and the Washington Post.
So, I am writing you today to tell you about the real Matt Bevin, and to ask you to do what may be the most important thing you can do in this campaign: Please forward this email to family and friends.

The Matt Bevin I know is first and foremost a kind, good-hearted man. Having grown up poor, he has a deep-seated heart for those in need. He is so much more than a successful entrepreneur - he’s a loving husband and an amazing father to our 9 children.
Something Matt doesn’t talk a lot about is how much of his life he’s dedicated to helping others. He’s always felt a deep and genuine concern for children in need, and has worked on projects that benefit orphans around the world…things like building critical infrastructure, increasing security, and updating classroom facilities. He has also developed commercial income-producing properties to benefit orphanages and women’s shelters, and has created multiple scholarship programs for those with financial need. He truly has a humble servant’s heart!
Through these efforts, Matt and I began to feel a calling to adopt. It tugged at our heartstrings every time we would imagine children without loving parents to patch scraped knees, to play dolls or cars with, to tuck them in at night, or to give them hugs of unconditional love. So, after much prayer, we adopted our son, Jonah.
During that adoption process, we learned of a sibling group of orphans who were unlikely to be adopted. The 3 children were aged 3-10, and few families are looking to adopt older children and multiple siblings. We believed that God had placed these children in our lives to be the parents they needed. And then there were 9, and what a blessing it has been!
Some would say we are crazy - 9 kids is a lot! But, we get to wake everyday to 9 smiling faces and enjoy a home full of love and laughter. You don’t have to watch Matt with our children long to see the love in his heart is endless, inspiring and contagious.

When I met Matt about 25 years ago, I was divorced from an abusive relationship and was a single mom with a 5-year-old daughter named Brittiney. All I wanted for my child was a stable, loving home. I am so grateful that God brought Matt into our lives. I was instantly drawn to Matt because of his faith, his compassion, and his strong character. Though at the time I was convinced I’d never remarry, I knew that Matt was the answer to my prayers. Matt and Brittiney had an instant connection - Matt has always had a natural love for children - and he adopted her as soon as we were married.
In 2003, at age 17, Brittiney’s life was taken in a car accident. There are no words to express how it feels to lose a child. To lose a child goes against the natural order of things and leaves a wound that, this side of eternity, will find no healing. Even all these years later, the Lord and Matt are who I lean on most. I cannot imagine how I would have gotten through the loss of our daughter without Matt. We held on tight to each other and to our abiding faith in Jesus Christ. I cannot adequately describe the emotional support and stability Matt provided to our family during that dark and difficult time. Matt was, and is, my rock.
Although life has not always been easy, Matt often says how blessed he is to be living the American Dream. Matt grew up below the poverty level, on a farm where they grew and raised most of the food they ate. He was one of six children and learned to work hard very early in life. It’s all the life he knew and, as he will tell you, it’s been a wonderful life...one that to him has always been a blessing. Matt has always been a glass "half-full" guy.
Matt earned his way through college on an ROTC scholarship, and worked in the dining hall washing dishes and as campus security to earn extra money for room and board. After college, Matt joined the military. He will tell you today that he would do it all again in a heartbeat. He has so much love for this nation and proudly wore her uniform. My husband is a patriot to his very core. Matt loves to serve his country and his fellow citizens. It is the central theme of his life. He is a protector of those who cannot always protect themselves--single mothers, the unborn, impoverished youth and people in true crisis.
Matt has served on a variety of non-profit boards through the years. Among others, he has served as the Board Chair for the American Red Cross in Louisville and helped manage the evacuation of 1500 people from Hurricane Gustav in 2008. He also served for many years as a committed board member for A Woman’s Choice Resource Center - a pro-life crisis pregnancy center. This amazing center has helped save thousands of women from the trauma of abortion, and thousands of babies’ lives.
When Matt’s uncle grew ill a few years ago, he knew that Matt was the person to turn to for help with his struggling bell company. Matt gave him money to ensure the employees were paid and eventually paid off the company’s back taxes - this is where the lie of Matt’s tax delinquency was hatched. My husband has always paid his taxes. He has also paid off the tax delinquency of others and saved many good-paying American jobs. 
Matt is a self-made entrepreneur and an extremely hard worker. He knows from experience what it’s like to start, run and grow a business. He started a company in our basement that has grown to be highly successful. He knows what it is like to have to meet payroll, with employees depending on his leadership to take care of their own families. He wants to use this experience, drive, and knowledge to make Kentucky more prosperous.
I know that Matt can lead Kentucky in a better direction. His success as a businessman, his faith in God, and his huge heart are exactly what this state needs.
Please help me combat Jack Conway's lies by sharing this email and this link that tells the truth behind the baseless attacks.
And, please support my husband for Kentucky Governor on November 3.
Thank you for the generosity of your time in reading this. And for many of you out there, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continual prayers and unfailing support. Matt and I are so very grateful.
With gratitude,
P.S. Please share our latest adwhere I refute Jack Conway's lies:

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