Critical Election Alert – Vote Matt Bevin for Governor Dear Friend of the Second Amendment, A crucial election will be taking place in the state of Kentucky on November 3rd. Gun Owners of America urges you to vote for Matt Bevin for Governor. Matt Bevin will protect your gun rights 100% of the time -- even in times like these, when the Second Amendment is under grave attack. His opponent, on the other hand, advocated so-called “Universal Background Checks” at gun shows, which would bring government regulation to private firearms sales. This is a blatant power-grab by the government, and a dangerous assault on your firearms freedoms. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama may be okay with government intrusion of private gun sales, but we are not. Your firearms -- and those of millions of American gun owners -- are not responsible for the recent shootings in Oregon. And your gun rights should not be on trial either in the media or in the state legislature. When the chips are down, I know we can count on Matt Bevin to defend our rights and not bend to pressure from the media or anti-gun politicians. Now more than ever, we need people like Matt in office. We proudly endorsed Matt Bevin and his running mate, Jenean Hampton, earlier this year, and I want to make sure you will be heading to the polls to vote for them. Matt and Jenean, both veterans of the U.S. military, understand the importance of the Second Amendment. He and Jenean filled out the GOA Candidate Questionnaire with 100% pro-gun answers and earned an “A” rating. Matt believes in the right of a law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, and he will do everything in his power as Governor to defend the Kentucky and U.S. Constitutions, both of which guarantee our right to bear arms. He supports concealed carry and will not buckle to the gun grabbers who want to put further restrictions on the Second Amendment. It is crucial that we all continue to rally behind Matt as he pushes forward to victory. Click here to volunteer, donate or learn more about Matt Bevin. Please let your friends, family, and fellow Kentuckians know about this crucial election so they can go vote Matt Bevin for Governor of Kentucky on November 3rd. Sincerely, Tim Macy Chairman Gun Owners of America Paid for by Gun Owners of America. www.gunowners.org Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  

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